Monday, August 17, 2015

The Mystery Of Errors

Ecclesiastes 10:5-6 is a frightening scripture. It says “Fools are put in many high positions, while the rich occupy the low ones. I have seen slaves on horseback, while princes go on foot like slaves.” From the scripture above, there are 4 errors in life that must not continue.

1. Foolishness is promoted: The wise should be above fools but the reverse is the case and instead, fools are placed above the wise.

2. The rich sit in low places:  Obviously, it is the rich who should sit in high places but instead, they are occupying low places.

3. Servants riding on horses:  In the natural order of things, servants are meant to walk on the ground; servants are not meant to ride on horses.

4. Princes walking as servants:  Princes are meant to ride on horses and not walk barefooted. But those who look like princes and dress like princes are  walking barefooted.

What is an error?

1.      Anything that is not right
2.      A mistake
3.      Incorrect or false knowledge
4.      Inaccuracy
5.      Deviating from the original
6.      Destiny manipulation
7.      Evil exchange
8.      Satanic reversal
9.      An attack on your glory
10.  Backward progress
11.  Satanic embarrassment
12.  Anything that is fake
13.  An enemy of the original
14.  Your identity in Christ

1 John 4:6 reminds us that “We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.” Likewise, Rev 5:10 declares “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”

Both scriptures testify to the fact that in the eyes of the living God, all his children are not ordinary. They are all priests and kings. Which means as far as God is concerned, Priests are meant to serve God and Kings are meant to rule? Priests are meant to stand in the gap and Kings are meant to dominate. Priests are the mouth piece of God, Priests are to use the weapons of God to fight, Kings are to attack the enemy, Kings are to dominate and rule on the earth. If this is God’s expectation for his children, the question to ask yourself is this; am I up to standard or do I fall short?

10 Things that sponsor error in the life of men

Sin: The more you go into sin, the more error will fill up your life. After healing the man at the pool of Bethesda who had been in a pitiful state for 38 years, Jesus told him to sin no more.The error in his life was due to sin.

Flesh: Anyone who obeys the voice of the flesh will constantly invite error.

Environment: If the atmosphere around you is not holy and spiritually purified, it can welcome error.

Spiritual carelessness: This includes little or no time for prayer, bible study, meditation and fasting. They will make a person spiritually weak.

Ancestry: Any one whose foundation is completely dark will suffer from errors and it is very likely their offspring will also be affected.

Curses and Covenants: In the bible, Gehazi became a leper due to the curse pronounced on him and his generation.

Fear: This is the opposite of faith and it has the potential to sponsor and promote error.

The wicked: With their merciless onslaught, can promote error in the life of men.

Man himself: It is possible to be the architect of your own downfall. For example, Esau in the bible sold his own birthright and this resulted in his descent.

The Devil: From the story of the woman with an 18 year old infirmity in the bible, we see it is possible for the devil himself to sponsor infirmity in the lives of God’s children (she was referred to as a daughter of Abraham)

The case of Jabez: Jabez discovered an error in his life.  1 Chronicles 4:9-10 says “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.” Instead of complaining about his situation and grumbling about his lot, Jabez decided to pray.

Grumblers are always grounded and they are carriers of the trouble of this world.  Only prayer can get God’s attention and prayer can correct any error in any life. When Jabez prayed, he asked for 4 things and God answered all his requests. The master key to correcting all the errors in any life is prayer. When we pray, our prayers must be mixed with faith and sacrificial giving. When God makes a promise that he wants to do something in the life of his children, they must agree with him. Agreement to the promise of God is your faith, your sacrificial giving and your warfare prayers.

Correcting your errors with prayer

1.      Every error in my life be corrected by fire in Jesus name
2.      Blood of Jesus correct every error in my life in Jesus name
3.      My lost glory, my lost honour, my lost respect return to me by fire in Jesus name
4.      Holy Spirit change my story in Jesus name
5.      Blood of Jesus close the unfortunate chapter of my life forever in Jesus name
6.      By the reason of the anointing, every error in my life I command you to be corrected
7.      My miracle hear the word of the Lord manifest in my life by fire in Jesus name
8.      Satanic plantation in my body I command you to die in Jesus name
9.      I shall not die undiscovered in Jesus name
10.  God arise and correct my errors in Jesus name

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